BankStar Financial
Brand Campaign
Scope of Work
Print Design
Project Team
Agency: Fresh Produce
AD: Tom Bates
CD: Ted Heeren
AE: Melissa Travis
PM: Erin Murtha
Writer: Bailey Bunger
BankStar Financial has been sharing bright moments for quite some time with Brookings, Elkton, and Volga, South Dakota as one of the first community banks to take root in the county.
Create a general awareness campaign that is community-focused.
We aimed to make this campaign highly community-driven, unlike any other banking campaigns in the region. The concept was to create public thank-you notes, allowing anyone in the community to submit moments of kindness and highlight their neighbors and friends. Each submission was transformed into a whimsical illustration, reminiscent of quick hand-drawn sketches added to a note as an extra touch of appreciation. The line "Thank on the Bright Side" is a play on BankStar's tagline "Bank on the Bright Side," designed to enhance BankStar's brand awareness.